Develop a big league rotator cuff…

Check-out the videos below of a couple of our minor league baseball guys finishing up their training session with some grip and rotator cuff work.

Any deadlift/farmers walk variation will be improve rotator cuff strength through irradiation.  Cook and Jones popularized this term, and many others have trumpeted it, so I’m not passing it off as my own.  As the guys are “squeezing the snot” out of the trap bar all the nerves get jacked-up along that chain forcing the cuff muscle to pack and support the shoulder into a properly retracted position.  The offset component makes it a “two –for” as we throw a little core stability at them simultaneously.   

The medball on the wall drill, where they’re tracing the alphabet, is a predictable rhythmic stabilization drill where again, they’re packing the shoulder blades, and using the cuff muscles to stabilize the humeral head.  You can increase the difficult of these drills by incorporating gentle perturbations, making them less predictable.

The sledge leveraging drills for are for forearm strength, and conditioning of the wrist and elbows.

A lot more than just sleeper stretches and full cans,
