Distance coaching success, and social media announcements!

I received the following email last week from one of our adult distance coaching clientele, Frank.  His email and accompanying picture say it all… “310# on the bar... it's my entire Olympic set(!).... I'll be at 400# by the end of the summer... just need to get some more weights...

PLUS... I pulled 45# for three sets in the NG pullups (35# for the remaining 2 sets). I can remember not being able to do a single lousy bodyweight pullup. I'll be at 90# by the end of the summer...

I'm pretty stoked!”

To take your strength and conditioning prowess to a whole new level, just click HERE!

Also, please check-out SAPT’s new social media outlets!  You can find us on tumblr at saptstrength.tumblr.com, where we’ll be sharing up to date training photos.  Poke us at our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/SAPT-Student-Athlete-Performance-Training-Inc/37943878495.  And, enjoy our twittery-tweets at @saptstrength!

Always a good day when you outgrow your current weight set….
