
Olympic Observations

The Olympics are a perfect time to observe how mentality impacts performance.  Many Olympians train 4 years to compete for a matter of seconds.  It’s the ultimate pressure cooker and other athlete’s can greatly benefit from watching.

This video does a great job of breaking down what previous Olympians did to prepare for Olympics.

When watching interviews take note of how many of them talk about their mental training and how it helped them perform.  You don’t have to be the next Phelps, Douglas, or Bolt, but you certainly can learn from them.

Olympic Swimming Gold Medalist Dana Volmer said, “The top cap came off, I have never had that happen before. I thought about it, and maybe it kept my mind off my legs hurting or something. I don"t know. It"s just so exciting, the whole thing."  Volmer also pointed out that dgfev online casino she made other mistakes during her world record-breaking race.  Mistakes happen.  Even when you think you need to be perfect.  Don’t be afraid of them.

US Silver Medalist Archer Jacob Wukie covered himself in mosquitoes when he was younger in order to learn how to handle distractions and direct his attention to needed actions.  While it’s certainly extreme, how are you learning how to be in control over your attention?  Rather then making excuses for distractions learn how to deal with them.

Oscar Pistorius who has become a major story due to his use of prosthetic legs said, “My mother used to tell us, ‘Carl, put on your shoes, Oscar put on your prosthetic legs.’ So I grew up not thinking I had a disability and thinking I had different shoes.”  You determine your own beliefs of yourself.  Limits are for others to place on you, don’t put them on yourself.

Experience can come in many different ways.  You don’t have to be at the Olympics to learn from them.  Be a student of your craft!