Sarah Walls Interview with Dr. Pam Peeke on RadioMD

I had the great opportunity to chat with Dr. Pam Peeke a couple weeks ago for HER podcast on RadioMD.

Dr. Pam has built an incredible resume over her career, but the part that struck me was this is a physician could talk-the-talk with me (as physicians can rarely do with fitness professionals). Plus, as a lifelong competitive athlete - now at the masters level - she has a great perspective on the process of competing or simply getting fit for the first time.

I highly encourage you download and listen to my episode on getting Fit & Fabulous - I go over some of my favorite exercises - plus, you'll learn about my tips on getting started and maintaining progress.

Coach Sarah Walls, founder of SAPT, is a professional performance development coach and personal trainer with over 15-years experience. SAPT offers athletic training programs for individuals of any age and background. Please contact us below if you'd like to learn more.